Friday, December 3, 2010

Lots to do and see

While in Washington we wanted to see as much as we could. We crammed so much into our trip we were busy everyday we were there. The kids got to go on their first ferry ride, visit Fort Casey, go to a few beaches, drive to Deception Pass, visit the Fremont Troll in Seattle, see the Ballard locks, amd of course go to Fred Meyer. It was a lot of going, but so worth it. Lilly loved the beaches and loved spending time with her cousins. She played until she crashed every day we were there. And it helped that Grandma and Grandpa have a great play room for all of the kids, Lilly was in heaven. Leaving to come home was harder than when we left 2 years ago. I think mostly because now that Lilly is older family means something more to her. She asks to see pictures of cousins or grandma and grandpa or aunts and uncles frequently and every now and again she asks to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house. We took a ton of pictures but combined with the previous post and this one you will get a good idea of all the places we went.

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