Friday, January 29, 2010


Looking for ways to stay busy and do Lilly focused activities vs running around with mommy or being stuck inside bored all day, we decided to start swimming classes again. I like getting Lilly into classes in the winter so that we can spend spring and summer outside. We took swim last year and she seemed to really enjoy it, although by the time summer came around she had lost some of her comfort in the water, so I thought it might be good to refresh her. It is quite different doing the class now that she is 19 months and not 6. She has a mind of her own now and doesn't always want to participate. She does great for the most part smiling and laughing, (mostly when we are singing) but when it is time to practice our skills like kicking or using our arms, she doesn't always want to cooperate. She is a great kicker when she wants to be and will say "kick, kick" while she is kicking, but then she will get to a point where she is tired of doing it and says "all done" until she gets to stop. OR she will stiffen her body, so that not even I can help her do the moments. I figure she will get the idea eventually that she doesn't dictate when class starts and ends, but until then her little determined spirit shines through. I have to say though as a momma it is rewarding to see Lilly getting to enjoy doing something that is just for and about her. (hopefully later we will get some pictures of her actually participating in swim, but Ziff hasn't come with us yet to be the camera man)

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