Friday, January 29, 2010

Baby X

We are rounding up week 22 of pregnancy #2 and so far things have been great. I am feeling great, normal side effects aside of course. My energy is back up, my appetite is up, but my sleep has gone down. I have reached the point now where sleeping isn't the best. Waking every few hours, unable to get comfy, back aching, or even the nightly run to the potty, but i have been doing some stretching and very light yoga before bed each night and that has seemed to help some. I have only done it a few nights, but those few nights I slept much better. I am having trouble gaining weight like i did with Lilly. So far I have gained about 7 lbs and average is 12 lbs. The midwives keep telling me to eat and I do (sometimes I wonder what they truly think of my lack of weight gain), but I am just unable to pack on the pounds. Regardless though baby is great and momma is healthy.

We finally found out the other day the sex of the baby, and the Reed man genes live on, we are having a boy! We are a little shocked, seeing as we were convinced we were destined to have all girls. We don't have a name quite yet, we are still waiting for the right one to pop out, and he may just not get his name till we meet him. Which is why one of my oldest and dearest friends has decided to name him X for right now. X is very active. Always moving and dancing in there. Mostly in the morning first thing and alt night between 8 and 10, so at least he is predictable.

A profile pictture of X (his nose looks very similar to Lilly's in th womb although I think her was a little pointier and his is more rounded so maybe that means he's going to look more like me :-) )

There is no denying he is a boy!

X's first clothes! (one of the first people I met here in Ft Collins from our church who helped me get to know more people, surprised us with this gift, and it has kind of gotten me more excited about having a boy!!)

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