Saturday, January 9, 2010

Potty Time

For a while now Lilly has been showing signs of readiness for the potty. Ziff and I were a little standoffish to it at first mostly I think because when you hear people talk about potty training you hear not so great things. It got to a point though where we couldn't ignore it anymore. So we set out to research potties. Pretty potties, basic potties, ugly potties, you name it we researched it. (well Ziff researched it) We did some light reading on PT and talked to a few people who have some experience with it and then we bought the potty. It was just a big of a deal for us as it was for Lilly, because it is truly a sign that Lilly is growing up.

When the potty showed up I put in in her bathroom while she was napping and was hoping when she woke up we could spend some time exploring and getting to know it. Lilly was all about this. She went in stared at it for a while started to touch it, picked it up carried it into the hall, set it down, checked it out some more, picked it up moved it a few more feet, then decided to take off her pants and diaper. Although she was a far cry from feeling ready to sit on it, she got the idea that the diaper comes off when you go potty. We put back on her pants and diaper about 50 times that night, mostly because she wouldn't sit on the potty, she just wanted to be naked by it. We used her bear and showed her how bear sits and goes potty on it, and one day Lilly can too. Eventually the potty made it into the living room and twice I caught her going potty right next to the potty but not on the potty. It made for some fun cleaning.

The next day we thought we would try to set her on the potty when she said she was going or needed to go. Ziff had alot of success with her. He would put her on, grab his ESPN and they would read it together while she sat. I however didn't have as much success. I would set her on and she would start crying and screaming. Once she actually told me when she had to go lead me to the bathroom and I set her on just in time for her to go in the potty, but as soon as she went she jumped up and started crying. after she calmed down she wanted to be naked and so I let her and she climbed up on our bed and said "uh-oh" and she had gone potty again... So we have decided to take it slow and let her decided when she is comfortable to sit on it and when she isn't. We'll see how it goes.


Kathleen said...

That's great! What kind of trainer chair did you get Lily? We will have to keep it in mind when Tyler is ready!

Kathleen said...

OOPS I spelled Lilly with one l by mistake. I just woke up, fingers are still a little creaky!

Nicole said...

It's a Primo...they have their own website, but I think you can also find it on amazon :-)