Saturday, December 12, 2009

Miss Snuggles

These days Lilly has found a new joy in her stuffed animals. She hugs them, kisses them, dances with them, takes them on outings with us, has picnics in the living room with them. it is quite sweet.I have a feeling tea parties will be something that we share a lot of in the future. When we see her with her stuffties it shows us her sweet gentle side, and we have seen a lot more of that the older she gets.
Lilly recently found Ziff's old teddy from when he was little (yes we keep them in our house and not in boxes, both of ours are in our closet) She asked if she could hold him and then decided she would make him her new friend. They watched sesame street together under daddy's blanket and every once in a while she would lean over, give him a kiss and honk his nose. She carries him all over the house by his hand, talking to him and sometimes even singing him a little tune. He is pretty fragile though seeing as Ziff got him for his first Christmas, so he has had to go back up on the shelf but Lilly was lucky enough to get a teddy of her own from one of her friends in playgroup. We are still trying to think of a name for her for now she remains a nameless bear.

Lilly insists on sleeping this way. Every night we check on her before we head to bed and every night she has covered herself in her stuffties. Sometimes she has the blanket over her head too, so I have often wondered if the chattering and humming we hear from her room at night is her talking to her stuffties under the covers.