Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Kyle turns 1

It is hard to believe that it has been 1 year (well a little over a year now) since our little guy made his big arrival! He came into this world like a whirlwind and he hasn't stopped going since. I remember thinking when I was still pregnant how can anyone love another person so much. I love Lilly so much it's crazy and the thought of loving someone else as much as I love her seemed impossible. But oh how I was wrong. I don't know how it happens, but it surely does. I love that little guy with all my being. We had a rough few first months of figuring each other out. I spent 90% of his first 9 months holding him and rocking him. It wasn't until he started really getting mobile around 9 months that he started to realize what a big world is out there and how many fun things there are to see and explore.

I am so glad that he found so much comfort in my arms and sometimes I find myself missing all of those times of just sitting and rocking him. Now that he is mobile he is to busy exploring to slowdown and snuggle. He is so smart and constantly trying to figure out how to do things he shouldn't (like drive his grandma's wheelchair or climbing out of his bed). He has picked up really quickly with signing and has become quite a little communicator. He loves to talk and he has always liked the sound of his voice. Although over time it has progressed from random moments of loud babbling to a constant chatter.He is very outgoing and super friendly to everyone. He is a great independent player. He loves to play with cars and make the noise of a car driving.

We reached all of his firsts and made sure to celebrate each milestone as we did with Lilly. The first time he laughed, the first time he sat up, his first word. They were each very precious to us and we cherish them all. He is a perfect addition to our family and mixes us up a bit. We now have a nice variety of personalities. He keeps us on the go and on our toes and doesn't slow down except to eat and even then I'm not sure if you can consider that slowing down since he usually out eats his 3 year old sister. I think I will be shopping in bulk (once a week) when he becomes a teenager.

There are many many differences between he and his sister (too many to list) but they have forged a deep bond that I know nothing will be able to break. Lilly looks out for him and is always there for him when he needs something. So cliche, but I really can't imagine our family without him.
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