Monday, April 30, 2012

Easter 2012

Somehow even though in my head I was planning and prepping for it Easter snuck up on me. Somehow I managed to pull it all off. I owe a small thanks to Target's dollar section. The kid's baskets were a huge hit and 90% of everything in them was from the dollar bins. Call me cheap, but seriously I don't want the kids growing up expecting a big hoopla like Christmas. We already take away from the sanctity of one holiday, I would hate to ruin 2 of them. Don't get me wrong. I love to "spoil" the kids, but there is just something about when they ask about what they are getting as if that expectation is already in their heads that they need to receive something for the day to be special. YUCK! I want to raise them with stronger morale than that. 

 Alright now as I climb down from my soapbox and slip back into the holiday spirit, I'll tell you all about our fun day. We did keep it low key with baskets, church, and an egg hunt. Kyle was SO excited. All he talked about for days were the eggs that the bunny left for us. Every time he'd see an egg and even now he gets excited and starts jumping up and down while chanting egg.

We decided to skip the big dinner this year since we have no table to eat it at (it broke in storage). We just felt it wouldn't be the same. All the same though we spent the day loving on each other, squeezed in a little family nap, and played games together. A beautiful Sunday.

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