Sunday, March 11, 2012

A first for our first

Ziff and I have gone back and forth on the idea of preschool. Lilly has a strong desire to learn and we want to foster that now while she is still young so as she progresses in school that passion to learn with not fade. We tried the at home preschool route a few months ago, but it didn't really go how we had hoped. Don't get me wrong she learned a lot and I think she liked the idea of it, but she didn't have a lot of social interaction and so she wanted more of that verses more time with mommy.

We toyed with and looked into the idea of a formal preschool, but it just wasn't something we felt ready for. The financial commitment alone is enough to make us say no, but then with the hours that a lot of preschools offer it would be like giving up 2 full days with her and we weren't ready for that. So finally we were approached about a co-op that some of our friends from church were starting up. We loved the idea of a co-op.

Getting to be involved in Lilly's learning is exciting and important. We all benefit from this route. Lilly is involved in school learning new things, she is with mommies that we know and trust and share our same beliefs and values, Kyle gets more one on one time with Ziff and I, and I still get to be involved and teach every few weeks. Every Monday and Thursday she wakes up excited and ready to go and the days in between she asks if its a school day yet.


I find myself looking at Lilly and realizing how much she really has grown up. I feel in my heart that I have savored these last 3 1/2 years and I have no regrets to the time we have spent with her and I don't feel like we have missed out of anything, which is maybe partially why I have not really noticed how big she has really gotten. It is not until I drop her off, wave good bye, watch as she runs off to be with her friends and wait longingly for that moment she looks back and gives me that "I'm okay" smile that I truly can see my big girl.

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