Monday, June 14, 2010

Lilly's 1st haircut

Today was a big day in the Reed house. Lilly finally got her first haircut. With her second birthday quickly approaching and her hair wild and crazy as ever I decided to just bite the bullet and cut her hair. It was a family affair and we all got to be there for her as she had this exciting experience. We went to this cool cuts for kids place I heard about through my good friend Kathleen. It was a little pricey, but for how much they cater to kids I suppose it was worth it. Lilly did excellent! The only time she whined was when the hair dryer came out...but it was quickly put away. She looks fantastic and she even got a special "reverse" ponytail put in.

After the haircut...looking good, but not looking to happy

They were so nice and put her hair in a little baggy with a certificate of her first cut

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

that's what I thought too-- pricey, but cute. It was nice that they are distracted by tv while they get their hair cut.