Monday, June 14, 2010


Kyle is now 2 weeks and 3 days old. It's hard to believe that he was born that long ago. It seems like just the other night I was waking up because he wouldn't stop dancing in my belly. There has been a lot of adjusting happening most of it being on my part. I must admit it has been a challenge. Lilly is in love with her brother and is constantly helping. She is quite a good little helper, but we have to remind her about a million times a day to be gentle and to give Kyle some space. She wakes up asking about him and has to know where he is at all times.

For me it has been challenging to find the balance between the 2 kids and keeping up with the house work. Getting out of the house requires a lot of organization and planning, but has been successful several time now. The other challenge I have faced is with Lilly. Our sweet little princess, who has now seemed to turn on me. Although she is always wanting me to carry her and hold her, she has become quite aggressive towards me. She bites and hits and pinches, all of which she uses her super human strength to do. Our 3rd day home she bit my finger so hard it made me cry and almost broke skin and honestly I am still not sure why she bit me.

And if I thought I got no privacy before I really get no privacy now. She has to be in the bathroom with me while I am going potty, forget closing the door she'll just open it and what's worse is she is right in my face while I go. If I leave the room she is very quick to jump up and follow me to wherever I may be headed. It is sweet in a way, but sometimes one just needs a little space. It is all slowly getting better, but I find that we are still working on the kinks.

Kyle however is a pretty laid back dude. He sleeps pretty good. He has 2 good nights and then 2 not so great nights, but during the daytime he sleeps like a champ. He is however much fussier than Lilly. If his diaper is dirty...he lets you know right away and he eats on a consistent, predictable schedule. Which is actually not to bad. He is very alert when he is awake, much like Lilly was and he has a very strong neck. I am excited to see what comes next. This chapter of our life is going to be pretty fun I think!!!

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