Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The cow says "moo"

Today we went on a special trip to the farm. It was perfect fall weather, just cool enough for a light sweater. We have been to the farm a couple other times but this time was different. Lilly was so much more aware of the animals and was able to say what each one was and say what they said. Each time she spotted a new animal she would get all excited and start running to see it...all except for the sheep, he "baaaa'd" in her face and she did not like it one bit and insisted I picked her up. We got to see baby piglets that were 7 weeks old, but I think she prefered the huge mommy pigs.

We ventured to the playground part of the farm which we have never seen before, mostly because the last times we went it started storming and we had to run for the car.

She wanted to watch the horses eat and was so pleased that he came right up to her.

The Farm cat found Lilly and of course like all animals she needed to love on him.

Ah chickens were the hit of the day she stayed and watched the chickens the longest. She cant quite say chicken but we're working on it.

It was a great morning. I got to enjoy Lilly in all her fabulous-ness. Her love for animals and curiosity to learn tugs at a special place in my heart. It is truly amazing to watch her grow and learn. And I hope sincerely her love for animals and life doesn't fade.

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