Thursday, June 11, 2009


Ah the discovery of climbing. Lilly tries to climb on everything now. Ziff and I were packing up in the living room and we let Lilly play in her bedroom. We figure there is nothing in there that she can get hurt on and it keeps her from unloading our boxes we had just packed. All the sudden Lilly starts crying. Ziff say oh she's just rying to get us to come back there (there has been alot of her crying for no reason other than to get our attention lately) and so he tells me to just keep doing what I am doing and she will stop. But a few minutes later and she is still crying and now she is crying pretty hard so I decide I will go back there just to make sure she isn't hurt. To my surprise when I walk in I don't see her...but I hear her. She was stuck on the bottom shelf of her changing table. and there was a little puddle of tears from how hard she had been crying. Poor thing I felt terrible for not checking sooner. Ziff felt a little bad too..but she has learned her lesson and has not tried to climb on the shelf again. We have been trying to let her learn the hard way so we aren't constantly running behind her saying "no-no". Seems to have worked this time. But I am sure the princess will strike again with something even better next time.
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1 comment:

Heather Reed said...

Thank goodness for blogs! I love seeing Lilly and all her new adventures! I cannot wait to see you guys in August =)

I tagged you on my blog! Check it out =)