We have made it our goal to spend more time getting out and active and spending time together as a family with no phones and no TV. It has become some our favorite times and something that we look forward to. Hiking has been our main journey with work schedules and weather camping hasn't really been an option, though hopefully soon we will get to go. Lilly has become a huge fan of our trips as well. She does so well and doesn't complain much at all. Although she gets the best seat in the bunch so there isn't much to complain about. This weekend we went to the national grasslands and to Pawnee Buttes. It was so beautiful and we had great weather. Ziff got a sunburn on his face, ears and top of his head and I got burned on the back of my legs. Lilly no burn at all :-) The views were magnificent and the quiet was welcomed. Here are a few of the many pictures we took on our hike:
I don't know if you can see him very well but we saw a little lizard on the trail
This dandelion was huge!
We let Lilly out of the back pack so she could burn off some energy, but she had no desire to... she gets a little freaked out in big spaces, she wont even run in the grassy fields at the park...it's strange, but this it what she did for about 10 min before we picked her back up, she was collecting and examining the rocks.