Thursday, May 16, 2013

Pacific Science center

When you grow up in Washington you have one thing in common with every other kid around you, you all visited  the Pacific science center on numerous occasions. Whether you were there for a field trip or just a fun family day you went. My husband and I are no exception. We both have very fond memories of going there and we both have been lost as children there. Hopefully though we will not lose our children though and will just stick to the find memories.

Although we don't live in the Pacific northwest any longer, we still want to help our kids to experience some of our favorite things for our child hood. This time we also we blessed to bring along my sister's daughter who was just shy of 7 months at the time. The PSC has not changed much in the past 17 years it's as if time has stood still whenever we go back, although now we are adults who get pushed out of the way so all of the kids can have a turn.

Though the kids are young still I think they really enjoyed themselves and may learned one or two new things. It is a little pricey, but if you think about the experience and learning through exposure that you are giving your kids, that right there, makes it worth every penny!

The kids and Ziff walking towards the space needle

Pacific Science center
Learning about dinos

Hanging out in a dino foot print

Leaning about salt water animals

My niece getting in some playtime

Water exploration

Discovering music

Cousin love

Learning more about animals of the ocean

Air play

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