Thursday, May 16, 2013

Just another Friday

For the past four and a half years we have gone to playgroup on Fridays. I love it because the kids and I know that we can always depend on Fridays. As the kids have gotten a little older we have been able to explore more of what our lovely little town has to offer and recently we explored a natural area. All of the kids walked about a mile and at the end got to play in a little pond throwing rocks and dipping their toes in. There was minimal complaining about how much we were walking (most of it from my little Lilly, she's very much a girl and too much walking rubs her the wrong way), but overall they loved it and loved exploring the world around them. Being with friends was an added bonus!

1 comment:

David said...

Interesting to see the walk through an area the grass is taller than all of the children. I know I was that small once, but I certainly don' remember that kind of experience. (I guess it would be like walking around a corn maze for me?)