Thursday, December 20, 2012

I'm back!

I am a little behind on blogging lately. Since August my plate has gotten very full and it has taken some time to find a balance in it all. I was working some side jobs that had strange and inconsistent hours, teaching Lilly's co-op, a new calling at church teaching the 4 year olds, and then the everyday responsibilities that somehow have seemed quite a bit more challenging lately. But as the new year approaches, I am feeling like I want to recommit to blogging for our family who lives away from us and for our kids someday in the future to be able to look back and read all about all of our adventures. So cheers to the upcoming new year and here's to consistent updates about our family and what we've been up to. I might even throw in some project and cooking/baking as I have been trying to try expand myself in those areas.

1 comment:

David Reed said...

I am grateful you have returned to this blog. I hope you are printing them off or saving copies (to DVD?, in HTML _and_ TEXT format, with pictures) for the future when the Internet may not be like it is now.