Our house has become an imagination station! We go on trips to the moon in our rocket ship, race around the track in our super fast race cars, travel the west on horse back, have tea with the queen, and take trips to the bank and grocery store (just to name a few) without even leaving our cozy little home. It's amazing what things can become when you use a little imagination and how far you can travel with out having to pack a bag. We have so much fun spending our day thinking of new games to play and new places to see.
Kyle loves to play along. He loves playing in the kitchen; putting a bunch of food in to a bowl and "stirring" it all up and then putting it into the oven. Lilly usually plays the boss and she tells Kyle and I what we need to make or clean. Thankfully for now Kyle doesn't mind the bossing. Me however...well I can put up with it for a while.

It is so great that the simplest of things can entertain a young mind. A box or bowl. A bag or some tupperware. The play for what seems like hours with all that stuff and if by chance when they aren't looking I pick up the house and put it away, they notice and insist I bring it back out.

Our house is becoming quite fun and I love that Lilly wants me to play her games with her. Kyle is such a great little guy who plays so well and loves playing with his big sister!