Monday, February 28, 2011

Sunny days

Weather has been cooky! Some days it's cold and windy. Some snowy. Others warm, sunny and gorgeous! It is starting to stir up some strong spring fever in myself and the kids. In the mornings Lilly asks me to check the temperature to see if it's warm enough for her to go outside and play and most days it isn't, but on some days like this one it is and you have to take advantage of them. We decided to visit the park! Lilly was thrilled and Kyle...well he wasn't quite sure what a treat he was in for.

Lilly was so happy to be out in the fresh air and even happier now that Kyle could play with her at the park. She wanted to show him everything. Kyle tested out the swings and the slide and played in the sand a bit. It was so much fun having both kids playing and made me think back to Lilly's first trip to the park; in fact this very park. It's crazy to me to think of how much time has passed and now we are sharing this first experience with our second baby, but it was just as magical as when we shared it with our first baby!

Can't wait for spring to come and for more warm sunny days spent playing at the park with the kids!

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