Wednesday, July 28, 2010

2 and 2

It is so hard to believe that 2 months ago Kyle officially became part of our family. It has been an adjustment, but surprisingly it has been fairly quick. With a little organization and a lot of patience we make it through. Some days are tougher than others but I wouldn't have it any other way. We love Kyle and are so glad we are blessed to have him in our family. He is growing so fast. He has started smiling and cooing and has the sweetest dimples. He loves Lilly so much! If Ziff or I can't seem to comfort him we just call Lilly over and she calms him right down. Kyle's not much a fan of being on his tummy, but I am working hard to remember to put him on his tummy for a couple minutes several times a day. At his 2 month check up and he weighed in at a healthy 11 pounds (50th percentile) and is measuring at 23 1/2 inches (75th percentile).
Lilly has grown and developed so much as well. She loves her nursery class at church and looks forward to it each week. Last week she told us all about it the whole way home and all through lunch and then she sang a song for us that she learned in there. It was truly special. She also loves to sing. She can sing happy birthday, Old McDonald, the ABC's, and the Barney "I Love you song". She can count to 4 and she can also say 3-4 word sentences like "here you go". Her vocabulary is amazing and she is learning more and more new words every day. This week she learned grasshopper and she says it the cutest way "hopgrass". My other favorite word she says is ice cream only she says it "e- cre". She has started doing chores and has her own chore chart and she loves to put her stickers on it and is so proud when she gets one. She has also started slowly working on potty training. We have had several successful trips to the potty and she has a brag chart for that too. We aren't pressuring her too much, but she shows all the sign of being ready and tells us when she has to go so we thought we'd start slow. There is just so much I could share about all the wonderful things she is up to but not enough time to type it all. She is a happy healthy 2 year old This video is on here especially for grandpa. He always sends us little videos he finds on youtube so we thought he might appreciate this one! I took this when Lilly was "watching" Kyle for me. She decided to sing Old McDonald to him.

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