Lilly loves to read and to help encourage her to read more we try to visit the library once a week, sometimes for story time sometimes just to checkout new fun books. On one of our family walks we ventured to Barnes and noble and discovered they were having a special story time coming up and I thought Lilly would really like it. Clifford was coming to town!!! Lilly used to watch clifford when he came on early in the morning and back in the day when she was up at 7 am so I thought she would get a kick out of she LOVES dogs! We told our friend Kathleen about it and thankfully they were able to make it as well. Tyler brought his grandma and papa to see Clifford too. It was lots of fun! At first when Clifford walked out she panicked a little and just wanted up...but that's Lilly for ya, she is very cautious about things like this. After the stories were over she warmed up a little a wanted to go touch Clifford. The kids got a cookie for a snack and Lilly kept trying to give Clifford a bite and she would give him kisses. It was so cute. Lilly had picked out an Elmo puppet book to read before Clifford came and Tyler decided he really liked the book So they had quite the tussle over it, but they are always fighting like siblings, cracks me up. We did forget our camera so we didn't get the best pictures or very many for that matter, but thank goodness for Ziff and his camera skills with a blackberry. Overall it was a great time and I am so thankful to have opportunities like this to make memories :-)
Ground Chicken Teriyaki
3 days ago
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