Monday, May 25, 2009

Look what I can do!

Lilly has decided she does not like to wear clothes and whenever possible she tries to be naked. On this day Ziff and I were sitting on the sofa watching TV while Lilly played (she didn't want to play with us). She decided though she didn't want us to ignore her although we weren't allowed to play with her we needed to watch her. So she got smart and decided to put on a show for us. She toddled over to us had a huge grin on her face and proceeded to show us how she could undress herself.
The show got better and better because she started to wrestle herself to get her arm out. It got stuck and she was utterly confused. She started rolling around on the ground and pulling on her sleeve and when daddy told her " Lilly stop... you need to keep your shirt on" she shook her head no at him and kept going.
Finally she was successful in getting her arm out. It was quite the show though and it definately got daddy's and my attention. All eyes were on her just as she had wanted. Silly girl!

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