Monday, March 11, 2013

Snowy day

You have to come to appreciate Colorado's unpredictable weather. One day it can be warn and the next it can pour snow and be freezing cold. We recently were blessed with some much needed moisture and got a few inches of snow. The kids were excited since we were heading to a friends house it meant extra snow play. They played outside until they were popsicles.

After coming inside we got creative and made an "animal run". Basically it is just a bunch of stuffed animals lined up and spaced out that the kids jump over like hurdles. We ended up adding a little crib mattress to the end of the run and that became our pool. When you get to the end you make as big of a splash as you can into the pool. The kids also played a few rounds of school too. L loves to be the teacher and K doesn't mind being the student (for now at least. I;m sure soon he'll want to be the teacher).

We also created a game out of paper plates with a plastic knife taped on for a handle and balloons. Voila! Easy balloon tennis! The kids ended up mostly hitting their own balloons rather than back and forth but they still loved it and it entertained them off and on for hours.

Successful snow day!

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