Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lions, tigers & hippos Oh my!

As a special treat for Lilly's birthday this year we went to the Zoo. It was our first time as a family going (besides the trip to see the Christmas lights which was at night). I was so excited and so was Lilly. The whole car ride there she kept talking about what animals she was going to see. I was so fun to go this time because she knew what each animal was and she could spot them on her own. I was so impressed with how grown up she has become. She walked around the entire Zoo for 2 hours and didn't ask to be carried or get into the stroller.

She found one of my old disposable cameras and she decided to bring it with her to the zoo and take pictures of ALL of the animals. It was quite cute to watch her. I assume she has learned from me because I always have the camera and am taking pictures constantly.

She LOVED the penguins! I think we had to stand there for about 10 minutes before we were able to pry her away...literally she was hanging on to the rail. Whats funny was that the whole time she kept asking to see the owl and then when we were at the penguins and the owls were in the building right nest to them she said she didn't want to see them.

We took this picture for grandma. We have one of Lilly in front of the antelopes (her favorite animal) but we needed on with Kyle. Although Ziff was hot and in a hurry so he didn't try to wait for Lilly or to make sure you could see the antelope. So I'm sorry grandma I tried!

I love this picture! It just makes my heart all warm and fuzzy.

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