Sunday, June 20, 2010


I can't believe I forgot to blog about Lilly's big break through. About 2 weeks ago Lilly went pee pee on her potty. HUGE deal since she has only ever sat on her potty and jumped off every time she was about to actually go. On this night no one had prompted her it was all on her own free will. She was in the tub and suddenly she crossed her legs and put her hands over her legs and I asked her if she needed to go potty and she quickly said yes and I asked her if she wanted to get out and she pointed to her potty and told me she wanted to sit on it. Shocked I sat her on it and after a minute or 2 I heard the tinkle. I was so proud! I think it was a big step in the right direction. What makes me even happier is that our method of letting her be the guide of when she is ready seems to be working. We haven't put any more pressure on her since then but have tried to remind her more that the potty is available if she wants to sit on it. She is very aware of when she is going potty. When we were at the pool the other day she went pee pee and the swim diaper didn't catch it and standing there she was very discreetly trying to tell me she was going potty and that it was going down her leg. She has also started changing her own diaper so I am thinking she is more than ready and we are on the brink of potty training!!!!

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